To use interactive prototype, please goto;
Flash needed to run protoype! :)
Also if the text is touched by cursor in button, prototype might not work on some browsers.
Please click button area without text.
Patterns were whiteboarded and then brought into Fireworks and Illustrator for finalization and cleanup. Numerous iterations were made and gradually refined with input from PMs.

Preliminary wireframe/pattern study for prototype

Preliminary wireframe/pattern study for prototype

Preliminary wireframe/pattern study for prototype

Preliminary wireframe/pattern study for prototype

Preliminary wireframe/pattern study for prototype
As the design pattern and UI/UX were finalized, the visual and interaction design was refined.

Visual Design study for prototype

Visual design study for prototype

Visual design study for prototype

Final design for "Easy Button" instrument cluster.

Screen Cap of Prototype after Predictive Coding Engine Run has been Simulated